If your question is not answered throughout this page, please contact our staff directly by calling (004940) 890 61 33.
Why does this website not support my native language?
We try to make this website as pleasing and comfortable to all visitors as we possibly can. However, since the translation of an online shopping system is quite complicated there will be only a few releases of this website in the most common european languages.
Online Shop
Under wich circumstances can I use the online shop?
Our online shop will be to your service if you have a customer number. It is not possible to register if you do not yet have a customer number. In this case we suggest that you contact our staff by calling (004940) 890 61 33. Please note that we only deliver to resellers and large-scale consumers normally. If you should be interested in buying our products by retail, we would be glad to welcome you locally. Click here to receive driving directions .
What can I do if I made a mistake in the ordering process?
As long as the order has not been packed by our staff, you will be able to alter your order to fit your needs. Please click "Online Shop --> Your order" to alter your current order. You have to be logged in to do so.
Why is it that I cannot alter my master data directly?
It is critically important for us that your master data is precisely correct. Due to the fact that every transaction via the internet may be affected by errors we ask you to be appreciative of our decision to let your master data only be altered by our staff.
Please make use of our contact possibilities to send us a message.
Why has my current order disappeared although I did not receive any goods?
Within the logistics of the Süd-Nord Kontor an order is marked as done as soon as the goods have been assembled to be fetched by the transport service. As long as there are no arrears left, your current order will not contain any items.
How can I find products by entering English search phrases?
We are very sorry, but due to the architecture of our database it is not possible to find products with keywords in a different language than German. We apologize for this inconvenience. However, if your keyword by chance matches the German word (i.e. "mango"), the according products will be displayed.
Is my shopping cart lost when I log out?
The goods in your shopping cart are certainly saved on our server and will be displayed to you the next time you visit our website.
How can I enter an order most quickly?
You can enter items very quickly if you use the numeric keypad on the right side of your keyboard. If you like to order 2 boxes of "Milde Mischung", for example, type "2+". Alternatively you can enter the statements "12kg" or "24" likewise. |